Friday, July 31, 2009

What would it take to be rich?

Here's an interesting question: what would it take for you to consider yourself to be rich? When I ask this at seminars, most people say that it would take doubling or tripling their income.

Of course, these are all people who make vastly different amounts of money. It's not actually the amount but the increase over what you have now that people strive for.

So, if we're never considering ourselves rich because the target is always moving, what is really the goal? Financial security? Wealth?

Here's what I strive for:
  • Lots of savings. A big retirement fund and enough cash to cover my basic expenses for a least a year. I'm crazy about saving.
  • Funny money. The ability to splurge on a fancy dress, dinner or ticket once in a while without worrying about it.
  • Buying a home. Ha! This one isn't yet a possibility for me in San Francisco.
  • Good credit. To be able to get the loan, credit card, etc when I need it.
That's basically it. For me, it all comes down to the freedom that money can provide. What's on your list?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Endings and Beginings

I gave my last "official" personal finance seminar today. I couldn't have asked for a better conclusion to my former career. Dress for Success does great work and I've been lucky to speak with them a few times.

I suppose it is the end of an era...but it can also be a start. I realized today how much I sincerely enjoy talking to women about money - even if it isn't my job.

Money can be such a threatening, boring topic - so it is amazing to be able to get people laughing about credit cards and feeling powerful about saving.

I decided to create this new blog as a way to continue the conversation about money. After nearly a decade working in personal fiance and with a national credit bureau - I have some answers to share. We'll see how it goes.